Melissa nolanNurturer. Golden Retriever Mama. Music and sports lover. Early Childhood Advocate.
Likes: Chips, North Carolina Beaches, Cooking, Concerts, Spending time with my family Dislikes: Snakes, Olives, Closed Spaces Melissa grew up in a military family spending most of her life split between North Carolina and Kansas City. Growing up in a military family reinforced and highlighted the immense value of social and community support for families. This experience led her to pursue degrees in child development and family studies and she continued to work in the field for 20+ years. After finishing her bachelor’s degree at Missouri State University, Melissa moved back to North Carolina, where she had spent the first part of her life. After 17 years in NC, she came home to Kansas City in 2022. She enjoys spending time with her family, two golden retrievers, and finding any excuse to get out on the water. Melissa is excited to be involved in the Kansas City community and work towards more support for families and children experiencing foster care. |